Originally posted by Mitch P.:
No one is perfect, and I'm certainly not a genius, but if I started booting people who made "stupid" comments we'd only be talking to, well, I don't know who would be left here. \:D
To start, I don't want to see anyone get booted. What I do see that is a little distubing is Rebel got bashed pretty well for taking a legal limit of legal fish. Criticized enough that Mitch found it necessary to delete posts and close the thread that started this thread.

I recall a thread earlier this summer when a member took a trout outside the slot limits out of a lake under the premis that it was deep hooked and going to die anyway and, although correctly chastised, did not get a quarter of the grief Rebel got.

One thing is clear to me. We are all on the same side here. We all want quality fisheries in this state. I, being uneducated in fishery management, will have to trust the DEP to decide how to do that. Any good debate between people that know what they are talking about is a good thing. If the DEP changes creel limits based on research or information they have I will trust that it is the correct thing.

If we continue to criticize or get personal with someone because they made a legal decision we don't agree with, that causes dissension and divides us. There are people and organizations like PETA that would love to see us fighting among ourselves so that could take advantage of that. If they had thier way there would be not catch and release, fish on the table or CTF.

I think the ultimate goal on this site is to share ideas, knowledge, and brag a little about what we've done. I think we should save the fighting and bashing for when someone wants to take this great hobby/sport away from us.

To those that do know what you are talking about. You have educated more in two nights about fishery management than I learned during the rest of my life. Keep up the good work.

Fishing is not a matter of life or death. It's much more important than that!