Originally Posted By: O-BASS
then we would need enough populous in agreement to make this a viable option. at that point i guess we appeal to the fisheries dept?

Fascinating thread.
IMO and from past experience the initiative needs someone with a commitment and leadership to form a focus group, collect supportive arguments, organize a list of supporters and write a White Paper that lays out the proposal.

Takes a lot of work. But if the proposal makes sense the DEEP is responsive.

Ain't goning just happen by opinions on the internet.

Still a fascinating thread. Thanks for starting it Joey. Great comments and info O and Buck.

Our lakes, rivers and streams are borrowed from our children.

An excess of opinion resides at the juncture of not knowing what you don�t know.
T. Melito

Life is like toilet paper: ur either on a roll or taking crap from some AH