15.April: I parked behind Bart's around 4:30. The river was down a couple of more feet since yesterday, the water was clear, and the current was decent. I didn't get a surface temp, but mid-50šs would be a good guesstimate. Almost a half dozen folx were practicing their casts. Rumor was Hunter had scored 1 and lost 1 earlier, but I don't know the time.

By the time I had my arm in a cast, a few more reprobates had joined the circus on the rocks. I cast for an hour and a half, and nobody had so much as a bump and run. Things are off to a slow start. As a metric, Dylan, the boy wonder, would usually have caught more than a dozen by now.
Terminal Tackle: a 1 oz drail, over a 3-1/2' leader, and a hammered silver leaf in yellow/white w/silver glitter and a black dot, and I finished with a pink/chartreuse with a red dot. Other shadaholics threw the rainbow at them, but all was for naught. No fish today. C'est la vie, c'est la guerre. Ah, maybe things will pick up tomorrow...

Tight lines!

George Darrell ...

I support "PETA",
"People Eating Tasty Animals"