The NY Times said online that “airplanes took aim at the twin towers “

How disgusting and insensitive to those murdered by purposeful actions of Islamic jihadis.

Thankfully thousands forced the newspaper to correct its horrible and deceptive attempt to misinform those who were not alive at the time.

Yes, everyone, myself included, believed when the first airplane hit the tower it was a tragic accident.

But who can forget the shock at how EVIL these murderers were when on live TV the 2nd plane was also purposefully flown right into the 2nd tower.

Then announcements of a third plane hitting the Pentagon (where my cousin was stationed at the time)

.......and then reports of a plane down in a farm field in Pennsylvania.

Muslim Democrat Illion Omar describes 9/11 flippantly as, “some people did something “

She was thankfully called out by the son of one killed in the towers yesterday.

Democrat open border policy most likely means that in the not too distant future we will see a terrorist set off a suitcase nuke and vaporize an American city......then in a few minutes another city will blow.......then another.........many HAVE forgotten.

How did the 19 hijackers get in our country.......they over stayed their visas

Now, they would not even have to do that.......they can just use a child as a human shield and walk in.

Foolish and suicidal policy.......and it will very likely have a price tag much bigger than 9/11........because people have forgotten BOTH why and how 9/11 happened.

Edited by OldSchool (09/12/19 08:35 AM)

I've read the Bible...Jesus wins.