No offense meant at all Buck but if you don't fish for Bass or no anything about it how do you know that these two elements of fishing are drastically different. I have fished many tourney's over the last 20 + years and if the lake permits along w/ seasonal conditions I'm fishing as deep and slow as possible. Many tourney guys do this, fishing for five bites.

I've caught many six's and sevens in tournament situations doing this.

I've got a few eights and one nine, not in tournaments but fishing for them just like I would in a tourney. I'm not saying everyone does this but there are a lot of people that consistently fish for the bigger fish in tournament situations. I would also add that places like Moodus, Pachuag and the like hold some pretty big fish and the average depth is still pretty shallow overall and comparatively.

It is the mark of an intelligent mind to be able to entertain an idea without necessarily accepting it.

What you do should speak so loudly that no one can hear what you say."