Very true Jighead. But more than likely a trophy size LMB (8lbs and up in CT) is not wasting energy chasing down bait. See how many people here have spoke about a GAINT fish trying to eat a smaller one they had on a line. It is going after a injured easy mark. They like to eat big slow sources of food. Not to say they won’t eat a small bug. Which any fly fisherman can verify but the bigger fish do like bigger bait. And again. Nothing will work better than a real food source. I have fished in private LBM lakes that are loaded with BIG bass. Where some of the bass stocked have come from Texas and other places know for their LMB. Not hard to get one to take a 8” pond shiner since that’s what their main food source is. But it took me all day into the night before I could con one into eating rubber. So if you want the easy way out. Chuck a BIG fresh bait that matches what the food source is and sit back. Other wise get your ass to work. Finding them isn’t the hard part.