
Great article in your blog!!!

Maybe this is a dumb question but what if someone was so obsessed in catching the record for the wrong reasons, like financial rewards from fishing line company, etc and raised Florida strain bass in a forage rich private pond with heaters to maintain metabolism. I know this is extreme but does the state require some type of proof (like a witness, etc)to make the record credible? Would there be an asterisk if the individual confessed that it was a private pond vs a public lake? Does the DEP even acknowledge trophy fish caught in private waters that are not regulated by any standard?

I know a state record for brown trout? was removed from the record books from Quonnipaug Lake. I believe the individual got it from a private hatchery but claimed he caught it legitimately.

I do remember in the connecticut river by Haddem neck had a warm water outflow where baitfish congregated in the winter which attracted LMB, SMB and pike that continued to feed at a higher percentage in the winter.

Some of the theories by a number of knowlwdgable posters are so interesting in this thread that I could easily sit in a diner for hours over coffee just listening to this type of talk and the contructive arguements.