I guess this settles it. That was the response I figured I would get for questioning the self proclaimed "Best Fisherman in CT". Thanks for the tips listed earlier for catching big bass. I bet you could also give some great tips about telling fish stories. Seems as if you've been evasive when it comes to questions about pictures or the validity of your catch. Surely a great fisherman like yourself would want to commemorate a catch as significant as breaking into double digits with a photo. I post this message on the site in the spirit of sharing and I ask you to share more information with us all. Help us learn from your wonderous techniques. And please, answer the questions posed to you earlier. In case you don't remember: was it one fish or was it many?
I'm sure this topic is of great interest to the whole site, you may be the only hope for those of us that wish to catch a 10 lb er in CT. Share with us o wise one.