And now a scene from Rainman 2:Raymond goes fishing.

Rainman(played by BigBill):Big BASS... BIG DOUBLE DIGIT BASS... definately, big bass...oh no...oh no... big bass in CT...oh no...

Charlie:(played by BlueFox)Ray.. what's wrong?

Rainman:Big bass in CT...big double digit bass..( banging head and screaming ) BIG BIG BASS IN CT..BIG BASS...BIll Dance at 4, BIG Bass

Charlie:Calm down Ray, yes we know there are big bass in CT..we know...( Rubbing Ray's back )..we know...its ok...

Rainman: (Calm) Big bass...I definately caught a big bass..definately 10.875487584 pounds, definately..need 12 more..definately need 12 more...

Charlie:Wanna dance Ray? Want me to teach you how to dance?

Rainman: Bill dance? Definately want Bill Dance..definately...

Charlie:NO Ray, dance.. Do you want to learn to dance....nevermind.

Rainman: BIg bass....definately big bass in CT.

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