Jighead Thanks for the info on the crappies I hope they will continue to reproduce to feed the bigger bass. Maybe its ok that so many people take fish out. I just hate to see bucket fulls going then if i try to fish for crappies there are none to be caught and lesser in numbers and size every year after this guy fishes and cleans them out. One other guy told me he is stocking another place with them. One of my spots I was told by an ice fisherman there was a winter kill a few years ago during a very cold winter when the ice was very thick. He told there were big bass frozen in the ice all over were he shoveled the snow off to drill and set up his stuff. He said you wouldn't believe all the many numbers bass frozen in the ice. I guess nature has a way of monitoring itself to control the fish populations. I guess it can slow a place down too for a few years too. I'm never happy with what i catch even my one 10lber is ok but i know i can do better and i've seen better fish too in the water. I will notice a few times when I'm catching smaller bass and the bite is on the larger bass will just drift in and hang there to see whats going on I constantly look/scan the water while i'm fishing and have noticed this happening. Maybe the action of the smaller fish draws them out of their deeper haunts to see whats going on? This has happened on 3 or 4 occasions to me in two different places too. BigBill