BB - In spite of what you are trying to say about big bass being out there to be caught, what you seem to keep repeating, is that the reason guys here haven't caught any yet - is that they don't know what they are doing and they are not trying hard enough. That won't go over very well here.
Many of these guys have the skills you keep mentioning and then some.

What I call realistic expectations - You call being negative.

Myself - I don't really care what anyone thinks I should be doing. I fish because I enjoy it. I fish when I can and work hard when I'm out there. For at least the last 10 years, I average 3 trips a week during spring and summer. A short fishing trip for me is 5 hours, but I have no problem fishing for 12hrs either. Certainly, I've fished a few of those special times you talk about - even if only by accident. Am I not trying hard enough? or do I just lack the skills?

Good luck in your quest for a dozen over 10 - because skill alone might not be enough.

....If we have any say... Vote for May